Attitude, Skill,  Knowledge

Awards and Upcoming Activities


Prof. Yi-Ching Wang received The National Science and Technology Council Designated Research Fellow Award !!!


International Conference on Advanced Biomedical Sciences (ICABS)


The Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Taiwan Oncology Society Joint Meeting 


Our SOX17/NRF2 paper are published in Journal of Biomedical Science


Prof. Yi-Ching Wang received the Outstanding Scholar Awards!!!


Dr. I-Ying Kuo received the Postdoctoral Researcher Academic Research Award. MOST, 2021


Our Chi3L1 nAb treatment papers are selected as cover articles of that issue in Theranostics, 2022. Jan


Post-doctoral fellow 

Prof. Yi-Ching Wang 王憶卿 講座教授

榮獲 2024 年國科會傑出特約研究員獎」

The National Science and Technology Council Designated Research Fellow Award 


2024 38th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science

Congrats to the award winners:

宏嘉:免疫學會 口頭論文 特優

薰 :毒物學會 口頭論文 第二名

珮嘉:藥理學會 壁報論文 特優

孟亭:藥理學會 壁報論文 特優

雄皓:藥理學會 壁報論文 優等

侑恩:生化學會 壁報論文 優等

晨泰:細生學會 壁報論文 優等

兪安:細生學會 壁報論文 優等

冠宇:毒物學會 壁報論文 優等

2023 International Conference on Advanced Biomedical Sciences 

Congrats to the award winners:

智雄、宏嘉、晨泰:榮獲 優秀論文獎 

Outstanding Abstract Awards

2023 TSBMB Autumn Camp

Congrats to the award winners:

宏嘉:榮獲 口頭論文競賽 第三名

侑恩、琬婷:榮獲 口頭論文競賽 佳作

冠宇:榮獲 壁報論文競賽 特優獎

Prof. Yi-Ching Wang

王憶卿 講座教授


The 19th Tien Te Lee Biomedical Awards



Prof. Yi-Ching Wang

王憶卿 講座教授


Academic Award of Ministry of Education


潛心投入肺癌研究 27 年貢獻卓越


成大藥理學科暨藥理學研究所講座教授王憶卿榮獲第 66 屆學術獎

2023 Merck Young Scientist Award

Congrats to the award winners:

珮嘉:榮獲 口頭論文競賽 傑出獎&人氣獎

鏡宇:榮獲 壁報論文競賽 優等獎

2023 37th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science

Congrats to the award winners:

智雄:榮獲 大會口頭論文競賽 第一名

珮嘉:榮獲 毒物學會 口頭論文競賽 第一名

鏡宇:榮獲 生化分生學會 永信李天德壁報論文 特優獎

薰:榮獲 細分學會 永信李天德壁報論文 優等獎

冠宇:榮獲 藥理學會 永信李天德壁報論文 優等獎

2023 Research Day in NCKU

College of Medicine

Congrats to the award winners:

珮嘉:榮獲 癌症醫學組 口頭報告 第一名
侑恩、宏嘉、馥瑄:榮獲 癌症醫學組 壁報論文 第三名

Institute of Basic Medical Science

珮嘉:榮獲 口頭競賽 第二名 

2022/02 NEWS

Prof. Yi-Ching Wang 

Outstanding Scholar Awards!!! 

榮獲傑出人才發展基金會 110 學年度第一期「傑出人才講座」

Dr. I-Ying Kuo 

Postdoctoral Researcher Academic Research Award. MOST, 2021 (科技部110年度博士後研究人員學術研究獎)

Congratulations!!!  2022/01

The BACK cover article is our nChi3L1 Ab treatment by Pei-Shan Yang, Min-Hua Yu and Pei-Chia Su    https://www.thno.org/v12p0340


Both our papers are selected as FRONT and BACK cover articles of that issue in Theranostics volume 11 (14); 2021  


The front cover article is our NRF2 modulating nanoparticle paper by Chih-Hsiug,  Hung-Chia and Fu-Shiuan.   
Link: https://www.thno.org/v11p7072.htm

The back cover article is our Rab37/IL6/STAT3/PD-1 paper by I-Ying, You-En, Pei-Shan and Yu-Jou.

Link: https://www.thno.org/v11p7029.htm     

YCW lab, No. 1 University Road, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan
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