Lab members
We need you !!
Yi-Ju Chen 陳薏如
Administrative Assistant
行政事務處理、 臨床檢體管理

Hung-Chia Hsieh 謝宏嘉
Ph.D. student
Special skills: The mechanism of regulated genes post-translational modification/ubiquitination in immune cells, virus package and infection system.
Hobbies: 登山、健行

You-En Yang 楊侑恩
Ph.D. student
Special skills: Animal model, BMDM isolation/ ex vivo-culture system, TIRFM.
Hobbies: 運動、旅行、對於咖啡跟調酒有一點點研究

Pei-Chia Su 蘇珮嘉
Ph.D. student
Special skills: Animal orthotopic experiment, drugs development
Hobbies: 喝咖啡、看推理小說

Hsun Liu 劉薰
Ph.D. student
Special skills: Immunocytochemistry, Chromatin IP
Hobbies: 畫畫、看電影

Lun-Ling Ling 凌倫翎
Research Assistant
Special skills:
Hobbies: 各種球、喝酒喝咖啡、追劇

Meng-Ting Ho 何孟亭
Master student (since 2023/07)
Study topic: Splicing regulation of IL33 in malignant transformation.
Special skills: RT-PCR
Hobbies: 探索美食

Zhi-Hao Wong 翁之浩
Master student (since 2024/07)
Study topic: Transcriptional regulation of Rab37 to STAT3.
Special skills:
Hobbies: 打排球、戶外踏青
Shun-Hong Yu 余順宏
Master student (since 2024/07)
Study topic: Investigation of PD-1 E3 ligase.
Special skills:
Hobbies: 旅遊